Sunday, June 24, 2018

School Counseling Abroad

Wow...working abroad!! Something many people never even consider!! It's crazy to think that people and places all over the world need School was a little shocking for me too.   I know many of you have so many questions and are even wondering what could make a person want to work internationally among other things!!

For me, it was as simple as a change of scenery....a new environment...a new adventure and not to mention I was over the school I was working in prior to my move!! As I was planning to pursue this, people would say "man, I wish I could do what you are doing" or "wow, that sounds awesome, but I'm so afraid to move like that" or "what about my family" etc.  The truth is, life is what you make it!! Live. and Live free!! Enjoy the time while you have and do what you love!! In this crazy post, I will try to help you get started if its what you really want!!

So, the most important question is: Where do I begin?

The ASCA website actual has a section on International Counseling.  I started there...I was directed to check out 2 sites that help with finding international employment: Search Associates (SA) or International Schools Services (ISS).  I personally used Search Associates.  It was an awesome site and I highly recommend it. When I signed up with SA, I was connected with a senior agent that helped whenever I had questions about this journey.  I was able to view different school pages and read their profiles and learn about what packages they offer (housing, salary, moving expenses,  etc). After completing my profile and application, I was sent daily e-mails with job openings in my field from all over the world.  Majority of the international schools are apart of their database, which means, when schools are searching for candidates, they go to SA and search through candidate profiles.  They can view your profile and application!! This is how I was recruited and got my current job!! This saves you having to complete multiple applications.

There is a fee associated with creating a profile.  When I completed my profile a year ago, the fee was $225.  They do allow you to pay it in installments if needed.  Some of you might think that is a lot, and you can get the same information from free site, but I wouldn't recommend going about things that way.  This was such a big decision for me, I wanted to make sure the schools I looked at and the schools that looked to me were reputable schools and SA ensures that they are.  For more information or to get started with your profile, click here: Search Associates !!

What countries have jobs open for School Counselors?

Believe it or not, countries all over the world have positions for school counselors!! This was new to me!! I always wanted to travel and work abroad, I just didn't think I could be a school counselor, but it turns out I could!! I initially wanted to work in Europe because its Europe but the pay wasn't worth it!! Europe doesn't offer good packages in my opinion!! They barely pay travel expenses, they don't pay housing...if you goal is to make money and save, then I would suggest Africa, Asia or the Middle East!! That's where you are going to get the best packages because that's where they need people the most!! I chose to work in Africa just visit Europe whenever I felt the urge!!

What about the language barrier?

Of course its easier to live in a place where you speak the language, but its not necessary in order to work internationally.  You will be at an American International school so the language taught and spoken at the school will be English.  You will be able to pick up what you can to get by day to day.  Currently, I am in a French speaking country-Senegal-and I spoke no French when I arrived, but I manage!! I can tell you, when I first came back to states after a few months you have no idea how happy I was to hear fluent English when I was walking through the airports and etc!! But again, you will be fine!! You can study a little bit of the language if you want, but you will learn as you go!!

What about my family?  Can my kids go to school? 

Starting in a new place can be bit overwhelming but its worth it!! Being nervous is quite normal, I'd be worried if you weren't a little anxious about a decision as big as this one!! If you have older children, the adjustment might be a little difficult on them as change usually is, but I would suggest including them in your search for your new home!! That could help with the transition period.  As you begin your search and you are looking at different schools, pay attention to their package and what they are offering.  Make sure your package includes travel for you and your dependents, housing, a settling in allowance and if you have kids, make sure the school will cover the cost of their tuition.  These international schools are private schools so tuition is pretty expensive!! My school is $20,000 a year so you want to make sure that is included!!  There are other things to consider as well such as insurance, healthcare, utilities, etc!! Find the school that will give you the most for your move!!

For me, I was single when I started this journey!! I was recruited by a really good school and they offered the, housing, insurance, healthcare and so much more!! With my group, there were several families of 4 or 5 and everything was covered.

What about my significant other?  Will they be able to work?

I have found that unless your SO works in education, it could be difficult to work unless they speak the local language or can get a position at the embassy or ngo in the area (those jobs are very hard to come by and sometimes takes months to get through the process).  Many schools will try to recruit both parties if possible...if not the first year, when something opens up they would definitely be top of the list for hire! It depends on what the school has available.  I know on SA school profile pages will tell you if they hire couples.

What about breaks and holidays?

In most places, breaks are similar to how they are in the US and sometimes better!! For me, I get a break every 2 months, but I come home in December (3 weeks) and summer (6-8 weeks). Fall break is a week and Spring break is a week...those are too short to pay so much to travel school only covers travel and the beginning and end of the school year!!

What additional credentials do I need?

From what I found, you don't need any additional certifications to work over seas.  The license you have to work in your current state will suffice!! As long as you have that and a master's degree, you should be fine!! The school profile page will go into detail about any specifics they are looking for...many will require you to have at least 2 years of experience!!

How much will I make? Is it really worth it?

For me-YES!! This of course depends on the package and the amount of experience you have will determine where you are on the pay scale. Your starting annual salary could be less than what you make in the states, but once you add the benefits and bonuses, in some places it adds ~20% to your salary...and don't most places the money is tax free.  So if your salary is $50,000 and you get paid over 10 months, that's $5,000 a month...not $5,000 Gross and $3,000 (or less)  Net due to taxes.   If you and your spouse, boy (girl) friend, significant other both work in education, that's double the pay!!

Feel free to follow my blog for more updates about working as a School Counselor in the International setting!!

These are just a few suggestions to get you started!! If you have any specific questions, feel free to contact me and I will be happy to help!! Visit the Search Associates website to get started!!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Atlanta Presentation on Career Development

Hello Friends,

If you attended my Career Development Session at the Innovative Counseling Strategies Conference in Atlanta, GA June 19-22, 2016, below are the links to the information and handouts that were included in my presentation.  

I thought it would be easier to give you access to the electronic version of the information as opposed to a hard copy.  I hope this was more helpful. I also uploaded the PowerPoint I gave out.  I only ask that if you use it or share it, you give me credit!! Thanks a bunch!!! You guys are GREAT!!!

The World is Your Playground PowerPoint

Career Day Invitation Letter 

Thank You Letter for Career Day

This link includes: List of Participants, Student Interview Question Form and a copy of the Survey.  I sent this information so the presenters are aware of the questions that will be asked, the other participants and what to expect from our survey!!  

Career Map

Career Vehicle Day Invitation Letter

Thank You Letter for Career Vehicle Day

Career Walk Worksheet

Kindergarten Gets a Job

The World is My Playground What Should I Be?

This link is to my recently published book on Careers for early elementary students that can be purchased through Youthlight!! 

School Counselor's Rock 

This is the link to my Teachers Pay Teachers Store!!

If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me!!


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Career Development-Fifth Grade

Below are the lessons recommended for 5th grade.  All of these lesson usually require extended class time.  If you are lessons are typically 30 minutes like mine, you might want to ask your teachers if you can dd 15 minutes at the beginning of the end of the lesson to ensure you have enough time to complete it. 

The 1st lesson starts similar to the 4th grade lesson. We start with a skit to introduce the students to the world of work.  Unfortunately, I can't link the skit because I got it from my handy, dandy copy of Skits, Raps, & Poems for the School Counselor by David S. Young (which I love using by the way).  It can be purchased through Marco Products or Youthlight, if you don't already have a copy! It has the lesson already created.  It even comes with a CD so you do have to photocopy!!!


I start the lesson by asking the students these 3 questions:

1.  What types of careers are you thinking about for yourself? 
2.  How those things are different from what they thought they wanted to be when they were younger?
3.  How do you think people decide choose their career?

I then review that their are 16 career clusters, but we only focus on 6 clusters and or groups in elementary.  When they get to middle and high school they will learn more about all 16.  I then tell them that there was a man named John Holland, who felt people fell into 1 of 6 categories no matter what cluster they choose their job.  Holland theory states that we are all either: Doers, Thinkers, Creators, Helpers, Persuaders, or Organizers.  To further explain this concept, I tell them they are going to help me by performing a skit!!

In an effort to have to skit flow smoothly and keep all students engaged, I generally meet with the teacher before the lesson and ask for students that would play certain parts well based on their personality and who can read a lot of line fluently.  The students really enjoy it!!
After the skit, we review the categories and talk a little about each one. The next part of this lesson is a new spin my co-counselor, Kelly VanDaley, added this past school year.  She had the students crack their own Holland Code to determine what category they would fall in based off of their likes and dislikes.  Each student is given a handout...Click on the picture below for the materials.

They follow the directions on the handout to select their likes and dislikes for each category.  After they calculate their code, we visit O*Net to learn more about each category.  This activity can easily carry over to another lesson.  The play itself will take about 25 minutes...You can save the Crack your Holland Code activity for Lesson 2, which would give your students more time to explore. 

Another activity that I enjoy with 5th grade is the Reality Check.  This activity is a component of SCOIS, a program created by the SC State Department.  It is primarily for middle and high school students, but I allow my students to explore the Reality Check section.  This section can be done 1 of 2 ways.  1. You can do it as a large group and ask the question and go with the majority vote or you can put them in smaller groups if you have iPads/Chrome Books in the classroom that students can use and let them determine as a group their choices and your navigate from the SmartBoard. 

I show the students median earnings for year-round, full-time workers age 25 and older by their educational attainment...from Some HS with No diploma-Professional Degree.  The range is ~$22,000-$82,000.  The system will allow you to put in your region to give you a better indication of living expenses etc.  I ask them how much they think they need to make in order to live a comfortable lifestyle. I usually will focus on HS Diploma to 4 Year Degree...Typically $30,000 per year.  We then work through the activity.  It will ask how much they want to spend on Cable, Cell Phone, Entertainment, Rent/Mortgage, Miscellaneous Expenses  (gym, hair, clothes) etc.  Then it asks if they want a family and how to calculate the cost for that...After everything is entered, it will give students an estimate of how much they need to earn in order to live the lifestyle they want.  Even without me setting an average income, their projections are ~$30,000 under budget. 

The students really enjoy it and it definitely gives them a REALITY CHECK.  Check with your state department and see if you have access to a similar, if not the same, program. 

There are few more lessons I use with 5th grade, but I will continually update this section as lessons are refined!!

Hope this helps!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Career Development-Fourth Grade

These career development are recommended for 4th grade.  I love combining the Arts into my lessons, so whenever I have the chance I try to include acting, music and movement.  In 4th grade, I start by telling the students that over the next few weeks, we will be Exploring the World of Work.  I then ask them to share with me some of their interest and to share what would they like to be when they grow up.  I review what a career cluster is and that their are 16, but for the purposes of elementary, we generally focus on 6.  After this brief introduction, I let them know that in this lesson, we are going to learn a little more about the Human Services cluster by performing The Human Services Reunion, A Skit About Jobs In Teaching, Counseling, Law And Other Occupations Needing Employees With People Skills.  I cannot link to the play, however, you can purchase a copy of Skits, Raps, & Poems For the School Counselor by David S. Young, for your copy and many others.

When I go into the classrooms, I try to use different people to come up and read and help out because everyone wants to do it, but when doing skits, I've found that isn't the best method.  Generally, I will get with the teacher before hand and ask for a list of the students that can play certain parts well.  I look for those students that can read fluently and have personality and can project their voice.  This helps everyone stay focused and connected with the skit.

At the end we process the skit and discuss more about human services.  I then give them a copy of the Career Pathways inventory (the same one used in the 3rd grade lesson) and have them take it again.  Once they have completed it, I give them their folder from their 3rd grade year and have them compare/contract the new worksheet with the old one.  We then discuss if they notice any differences and why.  If I have a new student who didn't attend my school the previous year, I simply have them look on with someone else. 

For the 2nd lesson, we move into the computer lab.  Much with 3rd grade, my 4th graders explore a site called Coin Climb.  This site was given to me by our State Department.  I am in South Carolina and our state department provides us with career resources...SCOIS in particular.  For anyone reading this who is from a different state, I would suggest you check with your State Department to see what resources are available to you. 

In the event that your state doesn't have career resources available for elementary, there are tons of sites that you can access from the internet.  I also created several Kahoot.It Games that can be played.  I took Career Bingo and made it into a Kahoot It because its more exciting for my students. I place them in groups of 4 or 5 and we play the game!! They love it!! Click on the link below! If you don't already have an account, you will have to sign up for one!! Its very simple and best of all, its FREE!!  No hassle, no daily e-mails, completely FREE!! Check it out!

Kahoot It

I have more than one Kahoot available for careers and other topics, so if you are interested, search my name and they should populate!!!

I hope this helps!!!